Social Media and Tourism


Social Media Marketing is essential for every business, service and professional. Its importance in a content marketing strategy is key to the success of future business. Companies are rethinking their social marketing budgets and online campaigns in hopes to catch up with other business who took their social marketing serious several years ago.

One industry that has benefited from social media is tourism. As we move into 2017, marketers would be wise to note the Key Trends listed on this infographic.

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Social Media Marketing Works

We are often questioned about the value of Social Media Marketing by professionals and business owners. They all typically want an answer about whether there is any value in investing their time or money into including these strategies into their current marketing. What’s the Return on Investment (ROI)? When am I going to see a sale from social media marketing? If you have ever asked yourself these questions then you will want to continue to read and review the story of Campers Cove Campground.  Continue reading “Social Media Marketing Works!”