When we think of social media, Instagram stories, Snapchats, and endless Facebook scrolling often comes to mind. Yet according to the Pew Research Center, 77 percent of workers report using social media while at work. While this data may lead you to believe that worker productivity has been hindered by Pinterest and its cousins, there are actually a handful of surprising reasons why social media plays an important role in the workforce.
It’s not whether social media in the office is good or bad; rather, it’s how employees use it. This article will delve into the pros and cons of social media in the workplace and share a list of suggested company policies to ensure it is used in the best way.
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Cktechconnect Inc. is a small agency with large clients. Since our inception in 2009, our focus has been to help grow companies by creating successful, dynamic multimedia marketing campaigns. We deliver strategic marketing and branding solutions. When you are serious about taking your online marketing to the next level give us a call.
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