
Your business is crazy and you have identified that online marketing and social media management is a much bigger job then you or your internal staff can handle. You are contemplating looking outside your business for a social media manager or an online marketing company to take on the responsibility. Where do you find someone and how do you know if they are the best person for the job?



A mobile responsive website is a must for small business. It is no longer an option if you want to remain competitive in your industry. The world spends a majority of their time online now, and that is where your business must be. Remember, your competition is going through the same marketing transitions your business is. Don’t let them get ahead of you in the race for customers.

All the buzz online is about Blogging! As a business owner you have heard it, thought about it and then placed it on the back burner in your marketing strategy. It’s time you reconsider. Our clients often indicate that they KNOW they need a blog, but are not sure how to begin. Here are some tips and tools to help you get going with blogs.


Have a look at these Search Engine Optimization (SEO) predictions for 2017.  As predicted, mobile optimization leads the way. If your website isn’t mobile you need to make those changes NOW. Google, still the search engine leader, has identified that a mobile site must load quickly and ensure a great user experience. 

Video continues to be a factor and something that all business should include in their marketing plan. 93% of all online experiences begin with search. Make sure you’re ready!

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