marketing trends

It’s the perfect time of year to examine your marketing methods. Certain online marketing patterns have emerged over the past year and there is nothing more energizing than putting together some fresh ideas to take advantage of what these strategies can offer your brand.

In spite of the fact that it can be difficult to incorporate new ideas into your marketing strategy, it is the perfect time to take your business to the next level in the digital world.

I have put together some Marketing-Must-Dos you should consider. Don’t feel you need to incorporate all of them at once. Take your time and evaluate which strategies best match your business, your time and your budget.

Just incorporating one of these suggestions into this year’s marketing can take your brand to the next level!

  Continue reading “4 Marketing Trends You Can’t Ignore”


Instagram is a rapidly growing Social Media Platform. One that you may want to consider adding to your social marketing strategy. If it is something you are considering, you will want to review this Infographic and other resources below. 

Continue reading “The Benefits of Instagram for Business”


“How do I know what kind of content to post?” This is one of those most asked questions during our social media platform training and consultation sessions.

The business and professionals who are working hard ensuring they follow social platform etiquette are often challenged with coming up with content that their fans and followers will find engaging and informative.

However, when you understand what type of content people love, it becomes easier to discover and create posts.

Continue reading “Content Posts Your Followers Will Love!”