This 2017, we witnessed how social media dominated the digital marketing industry with innovations of various platforms to accommodate the needs of marketers and advertisers. The changes and improvements in the last few years were dramatic and creative agencies and marketers had to radically reinvent their campaigns to keep up with the trends.

Continue reading “Marketing Trends That Will Dominate Social Media in 2018”


Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows you to drill deep into every interaction the outside world has with your website. You can use it to discover who your visitors are and what they like doing, then adjust your site to optimize it’s performance. It may seem complicated at first, but with these tips and some practice, you’ll soon be a Google Analytics master.



Most website owners have no idea where to begin to discover ways to generate trouble-free traffic to their website. In fact, when first starting out, it might seem like a huge mystery and an impossible task to build a devoted audience because enough visitors aren’t finding your site.

Continue reading “3 Strategies That Guarantee Trouble-Free Website Traffic”


Think of your content marketing strategy as a hot fudge sundae. Your blog is the scoop of vanilla ice cream. It’s the foundation of the sundae — without it, you can’t make a sundae at all!

But all on its own, it doesn’t make for a very magnificent dessert. 47% of business to business (B2B) buyers consume 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a salesperson — making your blog essential for content marketing success. However, if you rely only on your blog, you limit who you engage with, creating huge missed opportunities.